Economic resilience

The country's economic resilience and stability is the precondition for it to be working during a time of crisis or war. One of the defined tasks for the public administration institutions related to the state's comprehensive defence system is the introduction process of the economic resilience against different crisis (economic mobilization, stock piling, different activities to minimize the possible impacts of crisis and safeguard the well being of the society, while providing basic functions for the existence of the economy during the crisis).

The envisaged situation in the country related to the Covid-19 pandemic proved that the state's stock piling system is of critical importance and the work already done to implement such reserve system, which is one of the elements of a comprehensive national defense system, is already being used. Currently, there are ongoing works to sort out the up-keeping of the reserve system across all sectors of the state and every state sector must be aware of those items that could be hard to acquire during crisis in order to create necessary reserve that could be available during an unexpected, non-standard and crisis situations. For example, in order to strengthen the state's economic resilience against crisis, the Ministry of Agriculture is reviewing the basket of crisis items and goods to be provided to the population in the event of a state threat, while the Ministry of Defence regularly organizes various crisis scenario games for state institutions and businesses to strengthen their readiness and resilience against various and possible threats. In 2020, a number of games were organised for food and basic necessities business operators on food and commodity supply chains and stocks, as well as a separate virtual food hakaton, aimed at developing a model for a sustainable food supply chain in order to ensure the food supply of the National Armed Forces in a crisis. In 2023, within the framework of inter-institutional cooperation, the response capability to supply fuel to the National Armed Forces in times of crisis was tested. This exercise strengthened civil-military cooperation in information sharing, tasking and common understanding.

In order to ensure the basic functions of the state in all circumstances, the Ministry of Defence has developed several amendments to the regulatory enactments with the aim to improve the regulatory framework in state threat situations, promote economic resilience to crises and promote mutual co-operation in co-ordinating defence issues. The amendments to the Law on Mobilization, the Law on National Security and the Law on the State of Emergency and Emergency will ensure the continuity of critical functions and services, also facilitating the implementation of a comprehensive national defence system.